Wednesday, November 25, 2009

And the Holidays Begin...

Now I face a dreaded day tomorrow, trying to trim my stomach down, knowing that I have tons of food staring me in the face. Mounds upon mounds of cholesterol ready, willing, and able to clog my arteries and send me down the doomed path of possible coronary. This is the year that I have to look at all that good food and just say no. I'm sitting at 260 pounds of yuck and that's too much for me, so I've decided to finally stop the gorging, make myself active again in the goal to make my stomach flat by my next birthday in hopes that I can make taken women jealous. God forbid if my vain ass likes what it sees in the mirror by then.

Thanksgiving for me has always been too much food and really bad football. I know this year is going to be no exception. It will be hard for me to stay awake again, this time in a strange person's house and instructed that I cannot fall asleep, so napping before I go is essential.

So I could question how we got here, but we all know why. Americans love excess; we love to overindulge ourselves with anything, usually food, making us the most overweight in the world (Okay, honest opinion, I ain't working with facts here.). But I'm about done with this.

So anyone out there, who even catches this blog, in what way can I change the diet dramatically and not eat bland crap. The stuff must taste good! Please, only decent answers and not smartassed ones.

Oh, and Black Friday, get your steel toe boots on and expect to do some serious ass kicking in the mall and shopping center, or lifestyle center, as they call it now. Umbrellas might help to double as a spear so you can be successful in your shopping conquest. Go to sleep right after eating the turkey and wake up early so that you have optimum energy for the holiday season, otherwise there'll be plenty of shit that'll bring you down, like annoying kids and the other people who stand in the way. Otherwise, the holidays are a happy occasion!

Other than that, y'all have a good Turkey Day and don't do what I wouldn't do, which is very little.

H.R. Green, 25th of November, 2009, 2:35 p.m. Burtchville, MI.

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