Friday, October 9, 2009


I may strike on this in other blogs, but damn it I have a hard time with this and I’m not sure how to improve the human race from this problem. I’m just one person and yes, I am prone to this sickness from time to time and I am sure that not all homo sapiens, especially you who happen to stumble onto my blog (yeah, a lot of sarcasm here), but people really need to start paying attention to their surroundings.

It comes with basic things like driving a vehicle or something very basic like walking. It really irks me when men and women constantly ignore basic directions. Now, I understand we all are guilty to screw up here and there. I’ve even caught myself doing an idiotic thing and wondered what the hell was wrong with me? Simple; to err is human, but to constantly do the same stupid thing over and over again falls under ignorance and suspect to be a candidate for reeducation.

Even my eldest son is influenced by this behavior. He shoved a shopping cart in front of my car with the idea that it made it easier for the store employees to collect all of the carts. Mainly the little pain was being a lazy butt. There was one of those areas where you are supposed to put the cart back was only fifteen steps away; boy that pissed me off. Once I’ve had a jerk off leave his cart right behind my car. Now granted, I didn’t know what possessed him to do that, even though he had the misfortune of me being there witnessing the whole ting, other than blatant stupidity, but I’ll admit, I wasn’t as nice when I put that cart back behind his car before he moved. Now if I didn’t see him do it, I would have put that cart back where it belonged.

Maybe it’s true that there are people out there who walk with a neutral zone around their heads and the live in another world where purple pigs fly upside down and the sky is colored in puce. But what shocks me is when I bring them back down to reality the get all pissed off. “Dude you’re being stupid and making us look bad; stop it!” I mean there are reasons why we have sidewalks and crosswalks; there are reasons why we have turn signals on our vehicles and they are not there to only be used when we have that rare moment of being civil or courteous; last I checked it’s the law to use them. The only reason why we don’t is because the police don’t always enforce them and so, like a four-year-old child, we think we are entitled with this bad behavior. I shudder to think how far they think they can take the ignorant bad behavior because I see it everyday.

It brings me to another pet peeve, however, and I know it isn’t against the law, rather, in extreme weather conditions and certain forms of traffic patterns it’s encouraged, but when conditions are normal on the road and there are no traffic jams to speak of, please, by God, don’t not create a traffic parade by driving five to ten miles per hour under the speed limit. Now I’ll admit I have a bit of a led foot and would normally go beyond the limit, but in my later years I’ve tempered that urge and come closer to the limit for both economic and safety reasons, but to go under it creates new problems, especially on a two lane state highway where you cannot pass those who decide in their omnipotent wisdom that we all MUST drive forty-one miles per hour in a fifty-five miles per hour zone; that line of thinking better fucking stop soon. Plus they have a hard time making left and right turns and dart out into the road at the wrong fucking times. I’ve noticed it takes four to five opportunities before one in a car is able to make a right hand turn into traffic because their timing sucks. Look if you cannot drive properly either move out of the way of the people who can or get off the road and go back to the Secretary of State’s office to retrain. I tire of those drivers who are timid and lack the ability to keep with the traffic. And, like my father, when I notice I suck at driving, something else that will tick me off, then I will decide to have others drive me. My old man finally realized he couldn’t do it anymore and decided to stop driving and there was a five year period where I tried to encourage him to stop. There’s one thing about him, he definitely has the common sense that most humans require but sometimes pride does get into the way. I certainly don’t blame the guy at all.

On lighter notes, I’m back at work on my fourth book again, hopefully I’ll figure out the best way to start it as all I have is a title, Blood Water. I have also decided to undertake converting a memoir of my grandfather that my mother took on upon herself in creating and preserving. I will soon preserve it further in making versions of it onto, mainly for my family to have better copies of it and maybe for others who may enjoy that sort of thing.

And one more thing, a thought that came to me while writing this blog, and that is:

“My collaborator and I create many story ideas within our conversations. I so wish I had the time to create all of it into stories.”

See you all on the flip side:

H.R. Green, 9th of October, 2009, 12:25 p.m. Burtchville, MI

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