Wednesday, October 28, 2009

To Sober or not to Sober

I really need to find that fine line that divides being buzzed from alcohol and being smashed because I sure as frack don’t know where it lies. And everytime I would lament “Eh maybe I won’t drink this time because it always ends in disappointment,” I would get smashed again. At least I don’t do this every weekend, or every night, because, potentially I could. I get addicted to stuff in some of the weirdest ways and sadly I get addicted to people yet I’m not a people person; addiction towards only certain people, which is sad and somewhat creepy. But the drinking, well, it gets less glamorous every time, still, it happens, and I wind up with the room spinning when I try to sleep. Then again, I don’t get hangovers so I have some sort of immunity to sickness. Yet I get migraine headaches so there’s a trade-off.

All they have to do is bring really good tequila. Not the American processed Jose Cuervo junk, but imported straight from Mexico, the really smooth shit. I have this really bad feeling it’ll happen.

Now I normally have the willpower; usually I enjoy a nice cognac with a cigar and sit back for an hour or two to pontificate with friends. And it is more fun to watch other people get shit faced, you have no idea what fun could be had. I once bet a drunk five dollars that he couldn’t sit on the edge of a stool for thirty minutes. He proved me wrong, however was too drunk to understand that when you sit on the edge of a seat your junk falls asleep. It was totally worth the five dollars as we watched his reactions from, first, having his junk numb, and second, having his junk regain circulation. ZZZZZZZZ.

Now, second subject, gas is up to 2.79. Quit fucking raising the price because, honestly, I believe, whoever makes those decisions needs to be beaten repeatedly in their crotch until they understand they are making a mistake or get knocked out, whatever comes first. And to everyone else, we’ll have to stop driving around again if they have decided to double the price as it was last year, fuck them.

H.R. Green, 27th of October, 2009, 11:49 p.m. Burtchville, MI

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