Monday, November 16, 2009

That Spongy Stuff That Can't Hurt You

Last I checked we don't live in a world of Nerf, so why do we constantly try to make this planet as a land of it for our children before they become adults? Isn't that misleading? Why do we hurry in a furvor to make the world safe for our child up to eighteen and then just set them loose on the world without the proper knowledge that shit happens and doodoo often occurs? Okay, maybe I'm being a bit overdramatic but it seems that's how people are trying to be with their kids so, possibly, they, themselves can have less parental responsibilites; kinda like driving a "safe car" excuses them the responsibility to learn how to fucking drive it.

Same thing goes for my government. You all know the government; that public body of people that make up represenatives that WE voted for to represent US in the county, state, and nation, which, in retrospect, reads on paper that THEY work for US! Instead, they tell us what we are going to do. Yeah, this rant has gone over and over again, including bitching about taxes on stuff we enjoy, like a pleasure tax, on pop and tobacco and alcohol, now they are making pleasure products safe for kids, like these new fucking fire safe cigarettes. You know I understand that the human race is traditionally lazy by now and for a quick example just go into a brand new public rest room. You will notice just about all the toilets, sinks, and hand dryers are automatic (or what I like to call psycho toilets) so that we don't have the responsiblity to operate them mainly because (especially with the toilets) we don't clean our area at all; like flushing. Apparently we would rather start writing diatribes on the stall doors and walls. Now cigarettes do not burn constantly and loose their flavor and even though this is not an immediate problem with me, it is a tobacco product and I fear the rest are going to go through the same bullshit.

Quit making our children stupid and soft!

Same way with teaching. When I was in school, not only was I discouraged in using the calculator, you received punishment for it. We were also encouraged to write in cursive. Now? They rather you use a calculator and not only do they not teach children to write in cursive, they'd rather teach the kids to type on a computer, not even write things in print. Well lets just become completely dependent on electronic toys, really good idea you fracking educators.

I'll have to admit, so the video game systems do the same thing to them; and to be honest, me.

So before you all go and start making the world child proof start taking responsiblities for yourselves and your own and quit asking the government to do it for you! They definitely will not make the right decisions.

H.R. Green, 16th of November, 2009, 4:51 p.m. Burtchville, MI

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